About me
Commitment, know-how and flexibility - these facts are my foundation for the successful management of projects. I am able to adapt quickly to new situations, love working in a team an look forward to every new partnership I gain through customer contact. What drives me? Finding the best possible solution for every task, opening up to new topics and learning something new every day.
core competence
Project Management
Knowledge & Skills”
Oktober 2016 – April 2020
University for Communication and Design Stuttgart
Bachelor of Arts: Advertising & market communication
Work experience
2020 – 2021 MONOKI GBR, Digital Project Manager
2019 – 2020 RTS Riegerteam Gmbh, Junior Digital Architect
2018 – 2019 aucobo GmbH, Working Student digital marketing
Über Mich
Engagement, Know-how und Flexibilität – für mich ist das der Dreiklang für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Projekten. Ich kann mich rasch an neue Situationen anpassen und arbeite gerne im Team – auch den Kundenkontakt sehe ich als partnerschafliches Miteinander. Was mich antreibt? Für jede Aufgabenstellung die bestmögliche Lösung zu finden, mir neue Themen zu erschließen und jeden Tag dazuzulernen.
Core Competencies
Project Management
WEB- & APP-Development
Knowledge & Skills
Oktober 2016 – April 2020
University for Communication and Design Stuttgart
Bachelor of Arts: Advertising & market communication
Work Experience
2020 – 2021 MONOKI GBR, Digital Project Manager
2019 – 2020 RTS Riegerteam Gmbh, Junior Digital Architect
2018 – 2019 aucobo GmbH, Working Student digital marketing

In the following I describe my skills and the experience I gathered in the planning, conception and management of customer projects in agencies. I work on projects for international companies such as Candulor AG, FESTO, Blanke, Norevo, DKV Mobility and the IKEA subsidiary Ikanobank. I develop brand strategies, monitoring concepts and online campaigns for the individual customer and, as a project manager, lead the design and programming of websites and digital tools.
In addition to my skills as a project manager, I have experience in both the development and content management of websites with the CMSs Drupal, WordPress, Sitecore & typo3. I am proficient in the programming languages HTML & CSS and have basic knowledge of PHP, Javascript (jQuery) and React. This makes it easy for me to communicate with developers and enebales me to give realistic estimates when budgeting and planning capacities. I manage larger projects via ticket systems (Jira) using the SCRUM method.
From the development of apps to the relaunch of existing websites, I lead web and app projects as a digital project manager for various companies. This includes the programming of individual features, the redesign and optimization of entire websites or the launch of new websites and apps.
I develop concepts and advise clients on brand strategy, handle both the planning of internal team capacities and communication with freelancers, and monitor timing, budgets and resources.
Performance Marketing
After the launch of a website i work on different performance marketing strategies to achieve the different individual customer goals. In addition to regular monitoring and content and technical SEO audits, this includes the implementation of various online marketing measures that customers reach in every cycle of their customer journey. In the lead generation phase at the beginning, these include landing pages with SEA campaigns that offer specially developed lead magnets to download via contact forms. In the after sales marketing phase I try to, e.g. E.g.: strengthen the customer loyalty through marketing automation.


› Coordination of all digital projects within the agency.
› Planning of internal developer capacities.
› Booking of freelancers.
› Monitoring of maintenance contracts and server hosting.
› Management of maintenance tickets within Jira.
› Website monitoring and analytics.
› Interpretation of data sets and development of digital concepts and measures:
Landing pages, SEA campaigns, lead magnets & marketing
› Development of app and website concepts.
RTS Riegerteam Stuttgart GmbH
› Web analytics, web architecture, content management and SEO.
› Experience in the coordination and capacity planning of web projects, consulting on digital topics and the sale of digital products and services.
› Analysing Competitors, Websites and SEO, designing web
architectures for domain relaunches and working with various CMS (Sitecore, WordPress, TYPO3).